Software Engineer with 4 years of experience in designing and developing distributed backend service-oriented architecture. Contributed to VMware Cloud a product which deployed SDDC to the cloud providers such as AWS. Contributed to an extension of Java Spring Boot Framework to add VMware specific support for service development and service upgrades.
I'm a climber, cyclist, powerlifter, boulderer, skier, and go to yoga; but at the end of the day I'm also a distance runner. During the summer it's fun hitting some downhill Mountain Bike at Whistler, Snoqualmie or Stevens Pass. During the winter I can be found at the same places with some skis.
Washington State University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Focus in Data Science and Systems & Security. A related Computer Science course history can be found at the bottom
of the page.
VMware by Broadcom - Senior Software Engineer | November 2023 - August 2024
Continued VMware work after Broadcom acquisition.
VMware - Member of Technical Staff | October 2020 - November 2023
VMware Cloud on AWS. Primarily contributed to Service Starter, owned Feature Flags. Conducted consolidation of Feature Flags from 5 iterative implementations into a centralized solution. Worked with the Service Starter team to extend the Java Spring Boot Platform to integrate with the VMware Cloud infrastructure. Work on this team included designing a template service of which 100s of VMC services were based, this streamlined service lifecycle (testing, build, deploy) so teams could worry about service logic while getting periodic upgrades to the infrastructure integration.
Okta | March 2019 - July 2019
Kept existing cloud integrations always on while mentoring new engineers in the Azuqua platform.
Azuqua | August 2018 - March 2019
Wore a lot of hats. Developed cloud architecture, gathered requirements from customers, triaged work for other engineers, and plenty of other activities to automate the world's business processes.
Experience: Java, Python, C/C++, Shell, SQL; Familiar: C#, Postgres, JavaScript, Rust; For Fun: ML, Assembly, HTML, CSS, R, Lisp
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux, MacOS
CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, Spring Boot, REST APIs, Artifactory, Git
Roosevelt Young Website on GithubCurrent website on githuh. Flask website using deployed on Azure.
League Analytics on GithubA site that displays data pulled from Riot s API for their widely popular game League of Legends. This project includes a script to get the data from their RESTful API and put that data into an AWS RDS PostgreSQL-backed database. A SQL file is included to create the database schema. The data is viewable from a Python, Dash, Flask website on Elastic Beanstalk which is viewable here. Future work on this project is to create in-depth analytics with scikit-learn.
roosie-site on GithubOriginal personal website's source code on GitHub. Implemented using Python and Django. Hosted on AWS EC2.
PerceptronOCR on GithubA perceptron created using C++ in an attempt to differentiate different hand-drawn characters. This perceptron is made in two flavors; averaged and voted. The averaged perceptron attempts to determine which character is correct by finding the largest dot product of valid pixels and weights. The voted perceptron works on a similar premise, but each weight only counts as 1 no matter how heavy it is.
Trie on GithubThis project is a trie implemented in C# using WinForms for the GUI. This is a simple project to exemplify the decoupling of frontend and backend programming.
Pagerank Estimator on GithubThe input is a directed graph G(V,E) with n vertices and m edges. Vertices represent webpages. Edge (u,v) means there is a hyperlink from webpage u to webpage v (and hence this edge is directed u->v). Starting from every node in the graph, perform a random walk of a user-specified length K. Keep track of how many times the random walks visit each node. The "estimate of pagerank" for a given node u is then given by the number of times u was visited (as part of any random walk) divided by the total visits across all vertices.
Overwatch API to C# on GithubThis project was created to easily convert the unofficial Overwatch API from JSON Objects into C# objects quickly. A WinForms GUI is included to prove that the parser is working correctly and view player stats on the current hero selection pool.
A-Priori Algorithm on DropboxThis is a script using the A-priori algorithm to find products which are frequently browsed together. The support is fixed to s =100 (i.e., product pairs need to occur together at least 100 times to be considered frequent) and the program returns the top 5 sets of items for itemset sizes 2 and 3. Implemented in Python3.
Lyric Parsing on DropboxThe input for this program is an artist name. Due to limitations of the Genius API, the name has to be typed perfectly. The script will fetch the top 4 songs that the artist is featured in and extract the number of words used and most common words used. Written in Python3.
Relevant Courses
Spring 2018
Operating Sys & Computer Arch
Intro to Database Systems
Design & Analysis
Introduction to Data Mining
Senior Design II
Fall 2017
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Parallel Computing
Computer Security
Senior Design I
Spring 2017
Automata and Formal Languages
Programming Language Design
Systems Programming C/C++
Design and Architecture
Fall 2016
Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Principles
Software Engineering I
Introduction to
Computer Architecture
Roosevelt Young |